Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Chiropractic Care in the Treatment and Prevention of Pediatric Ear Infections

Many children in the United States suffer from recurring middle ear infections, known as Otitis Media.  In fact, 3 out of 4 children will experience at least one ear infection by the time that they are 3 years old.  Ear infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or be the result of allergies, and include symptoms such as severe pain, fever, and irritability.  The most common conventional treatment is antibiotics, but these will only work for bacterial infections (many ear infections are actually viral infections), and often don’t resolve the underlying condition.  The result is then more recurring ear infections and subsequent antibiotic prescriptions.  This in turn can create antibiotic resistance, persistent gastrointestinal distress for the child, and a myriad of other problems.  Recurring ear infections can even temporarily or permanently damage your child’s hearing, also resulting in speech delays.  For this reason, prevention and treatment of the underlying condition is of utmost importance.  

One of the causes of persistent ear infections is actually allergies, both seasonal and allergies to certain foods.  Allergies create an accumulation of fluid in various compartments of the body, including the middle ear.  This fluid accumulation provides a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.  These organisms cannot grow well without the fluid.  Eliminating the causes of fluid build-up, by both reducing allergen exposure and receiving chiropractic adjustments to relieve compression around the ear, can reduce the frequency of ear infections. 

Ear infections also occur after a child’s immune system has been lowered for any reason.  A child’s Eustachian Tube is short, narrow, and horizontal.  Because of this, bacteria and viruses (from a common cold for example) can easily make their way to the middle ear.  If there is also misalignment of the structures around the ear, the microbes build up and grow even more.  There is new research that the overuse of antibiotics and vaccines given early in life can contribute to recurring ear infections.  As Dr. Brenda Trudell of New Beginnings Chiropractic explains, “Antibiotics given early in life, or with the first ear infection may alter infants’ immune systems in such a way that they are unable to fight off infections on their own. Some vaccines are known to lower immunity for a period of time, which can make an infant more susceptible to viral or bacterial infections. And six childhood vaccines, including Hib, have “Otitis Media” listed as a common adverse reaction, meaning the vaccine itself is a known cause of ear infections. With vaccines given at birth, 2,4,6 and12 months, it may be a reason why 62% of children are diagnosed under the age of one. A large study in New Zealand showed that vaccinated children were 3 times as likely to get OM than unvaccinated children”  (  For this reason, she recommends that children who are showing any signs of illness or fever, NOT be vaccinated at that time.  If their immune system is busy fighting off something else they will be more susceptible to a vaccine-induced ear infection.  

Childhood ear infections can also be caused by trauma at birth and in this case it is especially important to visit your chiropractor.  Infants born via C-section, forceps, or vacuum, are at a much higher risk of spinal and cranial injury and should be seen soon after birth by a chiropractor who specializes in Pediatrics.  Babies who are born via C-section and thus were not exposed to the beneficial bacteria of their mother’s vagina are at an even greater risk of developing recurring ear infections.    
One natural treatment for ear infections it to put drops of organic garlic infused olive oil or breastmilk in the ear (not to be used if a rupture is present). Supplementing your child with 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D (supplement yourself with 5,000 IU if you are breastfeeding a baby or child), up to 250 mg of vitamin C, and a high quality probiotic will also help their overall health.  Exclusively breastfed infants also have much lower rates of ear infections.  Most importantly though, if you are planning on treating your child’s ear infections naturally, it’s imperative to clear the fluid out of the ear and open up the space where the bacteria or virus is growing.  Otherwise any treatment is going to be short-lived at best.  The conventional medical treatment of this scenario is to insert tubes in the child’s ears.  Ear tubes are tiny cylinders placed through the ear drum (tympanic membrane) to allow air into the middle ear.  The insertion of ear tubes is currently the most common childhood surgery requiring general anesthesia.  Both general anesthesia and antibiotics are serious medical interventions that are not without risks.  Chiropractic adjustments of the neck and skull have been recommended by many doctors, including Dr. Sears, to aid in the treatment and prevention of ear infections in children, and these adjustments may prevent the need for tubes.  Dr. Joan Fallon DC, describes her treatment of ear infections in an article for the American Chiropractic Association.  

Before yet another round of "maybe-they'll-work-and-maybe-they-won't" antibiotics or the drastic step of surgery, more parents are considering chiropractic to help children with chronic ear infections. Dr. Joan Fallon has published research showing that, after receiving a series of chiropractic adjustments, nearly 80 percent of the children treated were free of ear infections for at least the six-month period following their initial visits (a period that also included maintenance treatments every four to six weeks).  "Chiropractic mobilizes drainage of the ear in children, and if they can continue to drain without a buildup of fluid and subsequent infection, they build up their own antibodies and recover more quickly," explains Dr. Fallon. She'd like to see her pilot study used as a basis for larger-scale trials of chiropractic as a therapeutic modality for otitis media. (

Chiropractic adjustments for treating and preventing ear infections usually involve the bones of the neck, skull, jaw, and cervical spine.  Correcting the alignment of the small bones in the head and neck allow fluid to properly move and drain. As Dr. Trudell explains, “Chiropractic adjustments remove interference within the nervous system by correcting misalignments in the spinal column, jaw and possibly cranial bones, without the use of drugs or surgery. Correcting misalignments also reduces muscle tension, decreases inflammation, increases mobility, and establishes proper blood flow and lymph drainage, all of which can affect the function of the middle ear and Eustachian tube.”  These adjustments are very gentle and nothing to fear!  Relief can even begin as early as the first treatment. 

If your child is suffering from recurrent ear infections, come and see us at Pea and the Pod!  There are many factors that impact recurring ear infections and Dr. Brenda can help you find which health and lifestyle changes will help your family.  We also are proud to now have an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant on staff, Mona Liza Hamlin.  Exclusively breastfed babies have lower rates of ear infections and if you need help with nursing your little one please give us a call!  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Adjusting the Newborn

Did you know that even newborn babies can benefit greatly from chiropractic care?  Conditions such as colic, reflux, and other common issues can be treated with physical adjustments.  But perhaps one of the most important visits is the first visit after baby’s birth.  As soon as mom and baby feel well enough to leave the house, it can be beneficial to be seen by a chiropractor.  The act of being born is not inherently dangerous for baby.  In fact the compression of the contractions and the hormonal and probiotic cocktail to which they are exposed during labor and delivery are all beneficial to baby.  However, as a result of increasing rates of cesarean section and continued instrumental deliveries, many babies undergo mild to moderate physical trauma during the birth process.  Even a typical vaginal delivery in the United States, complete with an epidural and mom pushing from flat on her back or a semi-sitting position can result in trauma to the newborn baby.  Labor inductions can also cause unusually intense contractions that excessively compress babies skull, neck, and spine.  C-sections, forceps, and vacuum deliveries often involve an inordinate amount of tugging and pulling, both of which can cause their soft bones and joints to come out of proper alignment.           
Chiropractors who specialize in Pediatrics have the skill and knowledge to properly assess and adjust tiny newborns.  In a review of thirty three studies on chiropractic care and pregnancy and the postpartum period, research indicated evaluation and spinal adjustment of the infant to be beneficial.   

“The induced vector of force that may cause trauma to the newborn includes traction of the cervical spine coupled with hyperextension during the birth process.31 Forceps, cesarean, and suction or vacuum extraction can also cause trauma to the newborn's cervical and thoracic spine and spinal cord31 and may warrant chiropractic evaluation...In a review of 1000 infants, Gutmann suggested that birth trauma frequently affected the atlanto-occipital joint, causing blockage or vertebral subluxation.31 Correction of such a presentation may be accomplished through a light, precise, biomechanical adjustment, using various gentle techniques.32” (

Wordy I know!  But the gist is that a precise, gentle, adjustment by a skilled provider can greatly improve baby’s comfort level and promote proper development of the spine.  As with any practitioner, is important to always choose your chiropractor wisely.  Like your medical doctor, make sure that you are choosing a practitioner who listens to your health concerns, respects you and your family, and has a firm knowledge base in your particular issue.  While most chiropractors are trained in the care of infants, it is best for babies to be adjusted by those who specialize in pediatrics.  And once baby is correctly aligned, it is important to maintain said alignment!  Babies are meant to be carried and worn by their parents and even older siblings.  Babywearing promotes both mental organization and proper spinal and hip alignment.  But more on that in our next post!  

Friday, August 1, 2014

Constipation in Children - an American epidemic?

Countless children in the United States are diagnosed with chronic constipation every year.  Many pediatric GI specialists will tell you that it is the most common condition that they see, accounting for nearly 25% of all visits.  There are many factors that can cause this, and most cases of constipation require a variety of treatments to resolve.  Each family must take the time to discover both the physical and environmental factors that are contributing to their child’s problem, as constipation tends to have both a physical and emotional component.
            Many of us have heard of the ‘gut brain’ but don’t really know what it refers to. This is the enteric nervous system, which can not only send and receive messages, but also respond to emotions.  Your gut, or entire digestive system, contains over 100 million neurons - this is more than are found in the spinal cord!  It is no wonder that gut health is so influenced by emotions.  For this reason, almost all children and adults who are diagnosed with digestive diseases and disorders must address both physical and emotional symptoms.
            For children who are diagnosed with chronic constipation, there is likely more than one factor involved.  If a child has even one episode of constipation that results in hard and painful stool, they may internalize a feeling of fear or expectation of pain when the need to pass the next stool arises.  Some children will instead hold the stool in, rather than face the pain of attempting to pass it.  Like the colon, the rectum can also absorb water, so stool that remains unpassed in the rectum gets harder.  This can make it even more difficult and scary for the child to pass.  It becomes a vicious cycle of withholding and subsequent painful stool!  This can cause both a rectal and bowel impaction if not addressed in a timely manner.  Sometimes small pieces will break off, so called ‘rabbit pellet’ stool that some parents observe in their toddlers and young children.  Parents might think this is just their kids ‘normal’ stool, and not know that it’s because there is a large mass stuck inside.  Withholding for long enough can cause such a large blockage that only soft or liquid stool can fit around it.  Children with this condition will pass frequent very small loose stools.  In younger (and occasionally older) children this may present as encopresis, or soiling.  This occurs when small amounts of soft or liquid stool leak from the rectum without the child’s knowledge, staining the underwear.  Many parents won’t realize that the cause of this is either chronic constipation or a rectal or bowel impaction.  Other signs of a rectal impaction include increased urination or wetting accidents.  An overly full rectum can put a large amount of pressure on a small child’s bladder, causing accidents or bedwetting.  
Diet of course plays a crucial role in helping your child get relief from constipation.  Children should be drinking plenty of water every day.  If constipation is severe, try organic no-sugar-added juices such as apple, peach, pear, plum, or prune.  (Fun fact, many ‘p’ fruits are also high in fructose and promote bowel movements!) Adding 2-4 oz of aloe juice to other juices will soothe and lubricate the intestines.  Many kids are resistant to high fiber foods, but encourage them to eat carrot sticks or celery sticks with almond butter and raisins - (bonus for more fiber!), or other crunchy raw veggies that they like.  Many kids become constipated from an excess of pasteurized dairy products.  Eliminating all dairy other than butter and yogurt might help your child.   If your kids will eat broccoli with cheese try buying a raw milk cheese from your local health food store as raw milk tends not to have the same constipating effect.  Adding organic raw coconut oil, organic ground flax seeds, or organic chia seeds can also encourage softer bowel movements.  Many kids love the texture and taste of chia pudding which can easily be made or purchased already prepared at most health food stores.  
Over the counter laxatives and enemas should be avoided until needed as an absolute last resort.  Some GI specialists will recommend a ‘clean out’ for your child to relieve the impaction.  They will likely recommend senna-based laxatives, Miralax, magnesium citrate, or a combination of all of the above.  If your doctor recommends this, ask if it can be done with magnesium citrate only.  Senna-based laxatives not only cause painful cramping, but can quickly becoming habit forming.  Miralax is also habit forming, and while less so than senna laxatives, has never been approved for use in children, despite the fact that many doctors prescribe it regularly for long term use.  There are many natural products that can be used to keep the stool soft and moving that are not habit forming.  Organic oils are very lubricating to the intestines and can be given daily - raw organic coconut oil has a laxative effect for many people.  Others to try are organic sesame oil or olive oil.  
In addition, address any emotional issues that your child might be having.  Is there a negative attitude in the home surrounding defecation?  Does your child feel the need for a certain amount of control?  Harsh punishment for encopresis or soiling will only make the problem worse. Many kids thrive on somewhat of a schedule during the day.  No need to be militant, but kids like to know what’s coming up next.  A particular effective strategy is that of ‘toilet sitting time.”  Pick one or two times during the day when you know you will be home, and have your child sit on the toilet for 10 or 15 minutes.  Give them a book to look at it if they’d like.  Have a stool for their feet to encourage a more squat-like position, and give them some time to see if their body will relax enough to have a bowel movement.  Having ‘sitting time’ at the same time every day will encourage your child’s body to move the bowels at that time.  Many adults naturally have a bowel movement in the morning.  If mornings are not rushed and there is time for your child to sit on the toilet for a while, try that.  If evening is a more calm time in your house, try sitting time after dinner.  Don’t expect immediate results.  This is a complex problem that will involve a fair amount of work on both you and your child’s part.  Seek help and support from other parents or a professional if you are getting frustrated or not seeing progress.  
            Regular chiropractic care can be a critical aspect of managing your child’s chronic constipation.  The message that a child needs to defecate is sent from the intestines and rectum to the brain.  If the spine is maladjusted in any way, a young child will not receive the message, so to speak.  If your child is not consciously realizing that they need to defecate, stool will continue to harden in their rectum.  In addition, many children will have been constipated or withholding stool for a long time before parents realize that something is actually amiss.  By this time, the child’s rectum can be stretched out, and they won’t even receive the message that their rectum is full and needs to be emptied until the stool is too large to pass comfortably.  One simple adjustment may be all your child needs to break the cycle!  Other children require more frequent and regular care to maintain a healthy frequency of bowel movements.  A case study presented here  demonstrated that chiropractic care not only increased the frequency of bowel movements in constipated children, but that the stools were “described as soft without the accompanying straining, pain and rectal bleeding.”  A more in-depth study can be found here:
Chiropractic America describes in easy-to-understand terms how chiropractic care helps relieve both the symptoms and some of the underlying causes of constipation: “Chiropractic adjustments (particularly in the lower spine) may help relieve constipation in certain individuals. Muscles in the intestine push stool to the anus, where stool leaves the body. Special nerve cells in the intestine, called ganglion cells, make the muscles push. These nerves connect directly to the celiac ganglion, which also innervates the stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, small intestine, and the ascending and transverse colon. The celiac ganglion, in turn connects to the spinal cord (and the brain) through nerve roots that exit the spine in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar region.  Pressure on these nerve roots caused by misalignment of the vertebrae in this area may interfere with the normal function of the bowel as well as other organs of the digestive system.”
If your child is suffering at all from constipation, even just occasionally, come see us at Pea and the Pod.  Like many health issues, constipation is easiest to relieve when addressed early.   

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Can chiropractic care help your colicky baby?

There is hardly anything more frustrating for a new parent than when your previously sleepy newborn baby turns into a colicky mess.  Before we were parents, most of us had heard the term ‘colic,’ may have thought it had something to do with gassy babies, and hoped it would never be something we would have to deal with.  Colic typically begins at around 3 weeks of age, and consists of crying spells that last more than 3 hours, 3 or more days per week, and lasting 3 weeks or more.  Colicky crying applies to babies who have been fed, changed, burped, are dry, warm, being held by a parent, and otherwise comforted but cannot seem to relax or sleep.  They may arch their back like babies with reflux do (note: although reflux and colic often go hand in hand, this is not always the case.  See our next post about reflux!), and twist up their face in grimaces of pain.  Theories as to the causes of colic include intestinal gas, food intolerances to either mom’s milk or formula, baby adjusting to their new gut microbiome, and others.  However, these are all just theories and unhelpful to mom and dad in the middle of a crying spell!  Breastfeeding on demand can help soothe your baby.  Many babies cluster feed in the evening, and if baby is happy as long as he is attached to the breast, then let him be there!  However, if baby is full, does not want to comfort nurse, and is not comforted by swaddling, rocking, shushing, nursing, or any of the usual methods, you might be dealing with colic.  

Babies have quite the time of it as they emerge from the womb.  Although their skulls and spines are built to withstand (and even benefit from!) the uterine contractions and descent through the birth canal, fetal malposition during labor, instrumental delivery, a supine delivery position, or cesarean section, can all have a detrimental effect on how babies adjust to life outside the womb.  A skilled chiropractor will check babies pallet, belly, neck, and spine, and do any necessary adjustments to help your baby feel more relaxed, and have less pain, resulting in less crying spells. Infant chiropractic care is very gentle, yet can make a world of difference in the comfort of you and your baby!

Recent studies have shown that chiropractic care can relieve some of the symptoms of colic and help your baby be more comfortable.  Infant chiropractic adjustments by a qualified practitioner are both safe and efficacious!  In a pragmatic single-blind, randomized controlled trial in the UK, they found that chiropractic manual adjustment reduced crying behaviors in the colicky infants. The findings showed that knowledge of treatment by the parent did not appear to contribute to the observed treatment effects in this study. (

A 2011 review of available literature resulted in the following findings: “Our systematic review of the literature revealed 26 articles meeting our inclusion criteria. These consisted of three clinical trials, two survey studies, six case reports, two case series, four cohort studies, five commentaries, and four reviews of the literature. Our findings reveal that chiropractic care is a viable alternative to the care of infantile colic and congruent with evidence-based practice, particularly when one considers that medical care options are no better than placebo or have associated adverse events.” (  

A study at the Center for Biomechanics at Odense University in Denmark found that chiropractic manipulation reduced crying by up to 2.7 hours! ( Other studies have shown parent-reported improvement of symptoms of up to 94%.  

If you think your baby is suffering from colic, don’t wait it out!  Come see us at Pea and the Pod Chiropractic.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Enjoy Your Pregnancy Pain Free

How many of you soon to be moms are having a hard time with your pregnancy?  Back pain?  Sciatica? Swelling?  Carpal tunnel?  Headaches?  Great News…Chiropractic care and other simple steps you can do will help with all of these symptoms and many more.  Yoga, stretching, chiropractic care and massage are all non-invasive and drug free ways to help you get through pregnancy.  After all, you are bringing in an amazing little one in to the new world and you should enjoy every step of the way and not have to suffer with pain or be uncomfortable.  I’m sure when you talk to others about your back pain you hear, “that’s normal for pregnancy,” or “the headaches are hormonal.  It will go away after you have the baby.”  Well, it isn’t normal and it’s as simple and aligning your spine and pelvis as well as getting up and moving and staying hydrated. 

Adjusting women in pregnancy is quite different than if they were not.  During pregnancy, a lot of the focus of the adjustment is on the pelvis to restore the neuro-biomechanics.  Women who are symptom free of pain seek out a prenatal chiropractor who is specialized to help balance the pelvis and allow them to have an easier and shorter labor.    There is a specific technique for pregnant women called The Webster Technique.  It was developed by Dr. Larry Webster, a chiropractor who is also the founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA); he discovered an adjustment of the pelvis and sacrum, the triangular bone between the hips at the base of the spine, helped reduce intrauterine constraint in the pelvis which can lead to dystocia (difficult childbirth) as well and low back pain, sciatica, or SI dysfunction.  By aligning the pelvis, this will give the baby optimal fetal positioning to prepare for birth and allow them to develop their spine and nervous system.  The baby should be moving often, and when they are stuck in the same position in a span of months, development of the fetus can be hindered, especially the brain and spine.  The nervous system is the first to develop in an embryo, making the nervous system the most important system of the body.  That is why regular adjustments to both mom and baby are important not only throughout pregnancy in utero, but throughout lifetime.  Many chiropractors are now specialized in prenatal and pediatric care and are trained through the ICPA or the International Chiropractic Association (ICA).  It is important for you to find a chiropractor who is trained or is comfortable with adjusting a mom to be. 


Not only are regular spinal alignments imperative during pregnancy, get up and move.  Walking is so important to pelvic health during pregnancy.  Walking will help keep the muscles and ligaments loose and limber which will help you during labor.  The pace should be at your comfort level. You should walk between 30 to 60 minutes a day if you can. During your lunch, take a stroll around the office or parking lot.  Take the dogs or a walk.  Go to the mall and window shop.  Find some girlfriends that have already had babies and talk about their experiences and what they enjoyed about being pregnant.  If you are experiencing a lot of back pain when walking, you can use and ice pack while you are moving.  Tuck an ice pack in your pants and cover it up with your shirt.  No one will notice.  The ice will help to penetrate into the SI joints deeper when walking to help remove the inflammation.  Your body will thank you.  Make sure when you are finished that you stretch you hamstrings.  The muscles are attached to you pelvis and need to be stretched on a regular basis.  So, after walking and after sitting for a while.  At the office, get up several times to stretch your legs, get the blood flow going.  Stretching the hamstrings several times in the day will give the baby more room to move.

Don’t forget about prenatal massages.  Prenatal massages are a wonderful compliment to chiropractic care.  While the chiropractor will help to align your body, the masseuse will help to massage and loosen the muscles and put the muscles back in to place as well.  Not only will you feel amazing from the muscles aches and soreness, it will help with circulation of the blood to the pelvis and baby.  You will notice with getting regular chiropractic adjustments and massages how much better you will feel and keep the pain ay bay much longer.  Full body massages are not usually recommended until week 20 in pregnancy for safety reasons. 

Prenatal yoga is another way to help keep your body and pelvis aligned.   By doing yoga, you will feel more centered and balanced.  It helps to increase circulation as well to the body just like massage.  You will learn to breathe on more of a regular pattern which will help you during your labor.  It can help you reduce your stress levels, which is important during pregnancy. It is important as well to look for a prenatal yoga class verses a regular class because the instructors are more aware of the body in pregnancy.  They can help you modify positions as you become farther along in your pregnancy. Also, it is nice to have other women around who are going through pregnancy as well.  It is a great bond you all will share. 


Ladies, you MUST drink water.  Just water.  Not tea, soda, or packets of things, or drops to make water taste good.  Just water.    You may add some lemon if you like, that will help to alkalize your body.  Water is needed for the baby to grow.   Our bodies are made of 50-75% water.  Your muscles and organs need the water to keep you your body moving and growing.  You will notice your headaches will start to disappear.  Headaches are a sign of dehydration, not always “hormonal.”  So, how much water do you need to drink?  The rule of thumb is body weight divided by 2.  So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need to drink a minimum of 75 ounces.  Since you are pregnant, and drinking for two, drink extra.  Yes, it is a lot of water, but it is what your body needs to deliver a healthy and happy baby and it will help with the aches and pains of pregnancy. 

What you eat is important to keep your body healthy and strong.  Pregnancy is a marathon.  So take care of your body for the long term, not a sprint.  Make sure you are eating your fruit and veggies.  The best diet to be on is one that is high in protein.  You should have over 100 grams of protein a day.  Many utilize The Dr. Brewer’s Pregnancy Diet founded by Tom Brewer, MD.  He recommends eating every meal and snack.  Do not skip any.  He recommends foods to eat every day such as eggs, milk, dark green vegetables, salt, vitamin rich foods of A and C and liver. A complete list can be found at  Salt.  Yes, salt.  Why do we need salt during pregnancy? Salt for the body is good for many reasons.    The swelling you have… can be caused from a low salt diet.  Salt is used as a transport system to rid the body of excess water.  So, it helps to reduce swelling of the hands and feet.  Salt is also wonderful for your organs such as your kidneys, heart and of course your thyroid.  Many women experience hypothyroid during pregnancy and low salt can be a contributing factor to poor thyroid health and can help reduce the need for medication.  Now, there is such a thing as too much salt.  According to the World Health Organization, that amount is five grams per day.  So, just sprinkle some on each meal to help with balancing the water during pregnancy especially in the summer months when swelling is very common. 

These are just a few ways to help you embrace your pregnancy pain and stress free.  Pregnancy should be joy and moments and memories you should have last forever.